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Home > Software & Services > Gmail > Bad Emails - SPAM & Phishing
Bad Emails - SPAM & Phishing
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To mitigate and protect yourself from these emails, you must read the steps below.  These steps will help you prevent bad, spam, or phishing emails (pretending to be a person or an organization you may know and attempting to deceive you into disclosing personal information).  The receiver of the email is the one that has to report the "bad" email as phishing or spam to Google. 



1.  Before clicking on ANY LINKS or REPLYING to an email, verify that the sender is real.  For example, if it was from a USC email, make sure that the "from" in the email has the  Click on the triangle next to the "to" (see two valid examples below) :




2.  If the email is a Phishing scam, meaning it is an email from someone pretending to be someone else or pretending to be an organization, report the email as phishing (you DO NOT need to notify the Tech Dept, but you need to notify Google).  Notifying Google helps STOP these emails from happening.  





You can read more here:


3.  If an email is SPAM  (junk or unsolicited email) and you do not want to get any more emails from that sender, report the email as SPAM (you DO NOT need to notify the Tech Dept, but you need to notify Google).  Notifying Google helps STOP these emails from happening.  

You can read more here:



Note: Do not input your password into any form or document. Google will never request your password because you are already logged in. There is no justification for disclosing your password to Google or any third-party website. The only webpage that necessitates your password is the primary login page for your District SSO Account (for accessing Gmail). If you suspect your password has been compromised or your account is at risk, promptly change your password. The remedy for any compromised account is to create a new password. We advise against using the same password for all your accounts. Instead, utilize a combination of letters, numbers, special characters, and a mix of lower and uppercase letters.


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