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Home > Software & Services > Focus > Focus School Software - Printing Elementary and Middle School Standards Report Cards
Focus School Software - Printing Elementary and Middle School Standards Report Cards
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1. log in to Focus. In the menu bar on the left side of the screen or across the top of the screen, click Reports and then click SSRS Reports.



2.  A new screen will appear where you can configure the report that you would like printed. In the dropdown menu titled "SSRS Report", select Upper St Clair Report Cards. A new menu will appear. In the dropdown menu titled "Template", select Standards Report Card. Select the appropriate marking period and sort order. 


You are able to sort the report cards alphabetically by student name, grade level, or homeroom teacher (Period 1). Select the option that best fits your need. If you select "Student Name", the records will be sorted alphabetically. If you select Period 1, The students will be listed alphabetically by home room teacher name.



3.  Just like any report in Focus, you can also click More Search Options to further narrow down the search criteria. This is useful when entering a single student's name to print just one report card, or only printing a single grade level, or teacher. In the example below, I'm searching for all students in grades 1, 2, 3, and 4.



4. Once you've entered the necessary search criteria, click the Search button at the bottom of the screen. You will now be presented with a list of all students that fit the criteria that you've entered on the last screen. Click the box to the left of the student's name to select a single student or a few students, or click the box at the top of the list to select all students on the list. Once you've made your selection, click the Generate button in the top right corner.



5. Depending on the number of students selected in the previous steps, it may take a few moments for the next screen to show up. This screen lists the history of all SSRS reports generated in this building. They are all sorted by date and time and the most recent batch that you just printed will be the record at the top of the list. You have the option to View, Download, or Email the report cards. Choose the Download option. This will download the batch of report cards to your computer. Open the pdf file after it's been downloaded and print the same way you would print any other pdf.


The Download option is preferable because if you need to reprint that same batch of report cards in the future, you don't need to configure the settings again and generate a new file. You can simply open your downloaded pdf and print.



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