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Home > Software & Services > Kami > All: Forcing a Save in Kami
All: Forcing a Save in Kami
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While your documents are saved to Google Drive automatically in Kami, it only saves it every few minutes.  If you complete an assignment and need to upload it to Canvas, you can force Kami to save the Google File immediately so that you have the most recent document with all your edits. 


Note:  While Kami autosaves every 2-3 minutes, we recommend you force a save to ensure you do not lose any of your notes or annotations.  If you close your Chromebook or close the tab that Kami is in before the autosave, your notes will NOT be saved.  


In Kami, once you have completed all your edits, select the “Save” icon   from the Kami Menu Bar.



You will see that the changes to the Kami document have not been auto-saved to Google Drive yet.



To force all current changes to the Kami document to be saved, select the “Save changes now” link.



The Kami document will be saved to Google Drive, and once it is complete, you will be notified that “All changes saved”


The whole process is shown below.




You can also organize your files and move the location of the file you are working on from the "Save" menu.


You can also move the Kami document location from “Save”  in the Kami Menu Bar.  Select “Save” and then “Move” across from the document name; a window will open where you can change the location.



The whole process is outlined below:




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