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Showing articles from chromebook tag

Student Device Repair Costs (2023-24 School Year)

Damage to District-provided equipment will be billed at the following rates for the 2023-24 school year. The district has several different devices in service for the 2023-24 school year. All charges will be sent using an electronic invoice via email to a student's parents. Full payment of invoices is required by the…

Changing the Student SSO Login Password on your Chromebook

If you have asked for your student password to be reset, you can follow the instructions below to change your password. Please not that when you change your [SSO][1] password, it will change for all [SSO-enabled][1] accounts including email, Canvas, etc. You should have received a new temporary password from the Tec…

Chromebook Quick Fixes

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Keep your Chromebook Happy!

If you're experiencing any hiccups with your Chromebook, don't worry; we've got some simple steps to get it running smoothly again. For example, we have seen many Kami performance issues solved by following the steps below. 1. **Give it a Fresh Start:** Sometimes, all your Chromebook needs is a little break. To do th…

Chromebook Tip Sheet for Parents

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Troubleshooting WiFi on a Chromebook

If you suspect a poor WiFi connection when using your school-assigned Chromebook, follow the instruction below in order to provide the technology department with helpful information in accessing the problem. First, open Chrome and enter **chrome://network** in the address bar. ![][1] Click the **Network Logs** sele…

Add a Secondary Account to a Chromebook

The instructions below allow for the addition of a secondary account to a Chromebook. click on the time icon, then click the settings gear icon ![][1] click **People**, then click the Upper St. Clair School District issued account selection ![][2] click **Add account** ![][3] enter the secondary account email a…

Internet and Youtube Filtering

![][1] ![][2] ![][3] We work with Securly, our internet filter provider, to ensure that all our devices are filtered. All student devices are filtered 24/7 whether they are in school or at home. You receive a weekly email from Securly with a report of your child’s browsing and search history in it. We block the follo…

Deleting files on your Chromebook

If you are experiencing issues with your Chromebook performing slowly, you can delete the contents of your Downloads folder. First, if you want to save important files in your "Downloads" folder, you should always copy them from your local Downloads folder to Google Drive. Any file in your "Downloads" folder is only …

How to take a screenshot on your Chromebook

Sometimes a screenshot might be needed to help you resolve an issue you're having. To capture a screenshot, follow the steps below. To take a screenshot on a Chromebook: 1. View the site you're experiencing difficulty with. 2. Press Ctrl + ![][1]. (For non-Chrome OS keyboards, press Ctrl + F5.) Your screenshot…

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