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Showing articles from testing tag

AP Language Testing Audio Readiness Check Setup

During AP testing for languages, the DAC app or the ETS-APCJ app on a District Chromebook may require a device readiness check (that involves checking for a headset being plugged in) be completed. It is important that this check is successful and that the Chromebook successfully recognizes that a headset is plugged in…

How to access the DRC INSIGHT testing app on a Chromebook

The DRC INSIGHT kiosk app is available on all student District Chromebooks. It is used for online Keystone, PSSA, and WIDA tests. A kiosk app appears ONLY on the sign-in screen. The student must SIGN OUT of the Chromebook in order to see the app. To sign out of the Chromebook, click the menu by the clock and choose Si…

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